Badoo's Twister: Chat and See Any Person's Cam

Twister is the new feature that Badoo presents us. With this you can establish automatic chats with people that you don't know and at the same time see their webcams. Of course, they can see your web cam too.

To access this free and quick service you need to have an account in The process to obtain one it's free and after a few moments you will be able to create your account. Then, you look for the Twister's tab and click on it.

Once you are inside the Twister application it shows you two boxes on the left side. One corresponds to the cam of the other person and the other one to the image of your cam. You can start playing by pressing the button "Play now!". On the other hand, if you want to stop the game you just have to select the "Stop" button.

Once you start the game there will appear people in an aleatory way, but if you want to talk only with girls or with boys you have an option on the top of the window to manage that. The default option is to chat with any person.

Update (December 23, 2010)

It seems that Badoo's Twister is not working anymore. Source: Badoo's Twister Is Death

URL of the social game:

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