- Share photos

5 reasons why Photobucket is great. Photobucket is a site where you can add and share your photos, art, images, and so on. Just sign up for a new account or use your Facebook account to be part of the page and start playing in the site. It has some advantages that I could like to share with you:

1. It allows you to comment on others photos using your Facebook account. It means that you don't need to be a Photobucket user to comment.

2. It has options to share your photos as a slideshow in your blogs or sites. Just copy and paste a code and your visitors will be able to watch your art from your own sites.

3. You can add lots of photos at the same time. Just select a group of photos and upload them to the site. The service will automatically add the pics to your profile in the album you selected before.

4. The site is very fast and easy to use.

5. You and your visitors can download a full photo album with one click.

I hope you take advantage of Photobucket. Visit the site:

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